The "Individual Balances" function displays a list of clients with positive and negative balances in an account. Cllients with a $0 balance are not displayed.
"Individual Balances" can be found on the top navigation menu, in the drop down menu for the "Accounts" tab. "General Journal" and "Individual Balances" have the same functionality with one small exception: "General Journal" displays a list of individual transactions whereas "Individual Balances" displays a list of clients.
To change the end date of your "Individual Balances" statement, you can click the green "Change Date" button. A window will prompt you to enter a new end date. Select the date that matches your bank statement's end date.
To print the "Individual Balances" statement, click on the orange "Print" button. A PDF file will be downloaded or displayed in your browser, depending on which browser you are using.
To see a specific client's ledger in "Individual Balances," click on client's name and ledger will be displayed.